Makertober Day 19: Python as a prototyping language


I’ve been waxing lyrical about the joys of using Python to create embedded applications. It turns out that there is no better way to put programs into an embedded device as long as your program is less than 300 lines or so and you don’t mind it chugging a bit.

Today I managed to hit both of these brick walls at the same time, when the NeoPixel sprite program I’m making both ran very slowing and out of memory. Oh well. The good news is that having used Python to figure out how the program should work I can now take the code and convert it into C++.

This is not a bad approach to development. Python is great for trying out ideas and the way that you can type statements into the console to find out what they do makes prototyping very easy. C++ is a bit harder to work with quickly, but it s a nice place to write big programs that go very fast.