ESP32 Retaining timing over deep sleep

In the last post we saw how easy it is to make an ESP32 processor sleep for a particular time. However, we also noticed that at the end of the sleep the processor is reset and all the variables in the program are reset. This is difficult if you want to keep track of time in your application. However, it is possible to get around this limitation by storing a time value in memory that is retained during sleep.

RTC_DATA_ATTR unsigned long millisOffset=0;

The statement above declares a variable called millisOffset. The attribute RTC_DATA_ATTR tells the compiler that the variable should be stored in the real time clock data area. This is a small area of storage in the ESP32 processor that is part of the Real Time Clock. This means that the value will be set to zero when the ESP32 first powers up but will retain its value after a deep sleep.

We can use this variable to create an offsetMillis function that gives a millisecond count which is adjusted by the offset:

unsigned long offsetMillis()
    return millis() + millisOffset;

Our program is going to call this function when it wants to know how much time has elapsed since the application was started. The final part of the solution is to update the offset each time our processor is put to sleep.

void sleepSensor(unsigned long sleepMillis)
    esp_sleep_enable_timer_wakeup(sleepMillis * uS_TO_mS_FACTOR);

    millisOffset = offsetMillis() + sleepMillis;


Now, when our application goes to sleep it records the value that the millisecond timer should have when the device wakes from sleep. This value is retained in non-volatile memory and used to offset time values when the ESP32 restarts.

#include <Arduino.h>

RTC_DATA_ATTR unsigned long millisOffset = 0;

unsigned long offsetMillis()
    return millis() + millisOffset;

#define uS_TO_mS_FACTOR 1000  /* Conversion factor for micro seconds to miliseconds */

void sleepSensor(unsigned long sleepMillis)
    esp_sleep_enable_timer_wakeup(sleepMillis * uS_TO_mS_FACTOR);

    millisOffset = offsetMillis() + sleepMillis;


void printTime()
    unsigned long seconds, sec, min, hrs;

    seconds = offsetMillis() / 1000;

    sec = seconds % 60;
    seconds /= 60;
    min = seconds % 60;    
    seconds /= 60;
    hrs = seconds % 24;

    Serial.printf("%02d:%02d:%02d\n", hrs, min, sec);

void setup() {

void loop() {

The complete program above shows how it all fits together. The program sleeps the device for 30 seconds but the time value is maintained after each reset. Note that the loop function is empty because the program never gets this far. The repeating behaviour of the program is caused by the reset after each sleep.

I was quite surprised just how poor the time keeping is when I ran this program. This is because the timing is not provided by a crystal but by an oscillator which is fitted onto the ESP32 chip. The timing can be out by a second or so over short intervals. Try timing the above program to see what I mean.

The millis function in the Arduino library returns an unsigned long integer value that holds the number of milliseconds since a device was turned on. The program above works by adding an offset to this millis value which reflects how long the device has been put to sleep. Of course, what with data storage in any computer being a finite size, there will come a point where the millis value will not fit in an unsigned long variable and so it will wrap round and go back to 0. This occurs after 4,294,967,295 milliseconds or around 50 days. If your program does any kind of calculation with the timing values you will need to make sure that the wrap round doesn’t cause problems.