Free Gmail Cleanup Tool - MailStore

I’ve used Gmail as my main mail client for many years. In fact I’ve used it for so long that I’ve filled it up. Google allow you 15 GBytes of storage for your mail messages but if you are in the habit of keeping everything (as I do) then it turns out that after a while you can use it all. You then have the option of tidying up (ugh) or spending some money for storage (double ugh).

Enter MailStore. Mailstore is an app which pulls messages out of Gmail and stores them on your machine. It’s a free download from here. You can install the application along with its data on a drive somewhere and connect it to your gmail account. Then you can pull messages down from your mail and store them locally. It works with Microsoft Outlook and Windows Live Mail and is easy enough to use. It takes a while though, I had to run it overnight to get around 5G of messages down.