Connected Little Boxes now use files to store settings

clb storage.png

Maybe not a totally gripping headline, but it works for me. Up until now the setting information (pin assignments, network connection options, MQTT connection details etc) for a Connected Little Box device have been held in EEROM. This meant that the software would work fine on devices that only have very simple storage, but it meant there was only 2K of space for setting storage in the device.

But now that has all gone. All the settings are stored in a little text file inside the ESP32 or ESP8266. Passwords and other sensitive items are stored using my “encrypto-obfuscation” technology which converts them into text that is a bit harder to understand.

This update has also solved another problem. Previously adding a new setting value to a process or a sensor could invalidate the stored values in the memory block. With the use of text based storage that limitation has gone away, so that my planned “over the air” update feature can be used to update the device without needing to have all the settings re-entered.

You can find the latest version of the build on the Connected Little Boxes repository here.