Mint RF70 photography tips

Took the Mint RF70 camera to Burnby Hall for lunch today. And by that I don’t mean that we ate it when we got there. We had a nice meal at the cafe and then a wander round the garden taking a few pictures before coming home where I got on with Chapter 10. Too much detail? Two words: My Blog.

Anyhoo, I think I think I’m getting more of a handle on instant photography. Rob’s tips from this trip.

  • Over exposure (too bright) is better than under exposure (too dark).

  • The camera meter takes a reading based on the overall brightness of the scene in front. You can half-press the shutter to set the metering and then frame your subject. If you want to increase the exposure (brighten things), point the camera more at the ground and half press the button. If you want to decrease the exposure (darken things), point the camera at the sky and half press it. Then frame your shot and press the button all the way down to take the picture.

  • Instant photography seems to work well with a big, strong subject rather than lots of little things.

  • Camera shake is a thing. Use a light meter to make sure that the camera is not going to pick a shutter speed less that 125th of a second which will lead to shaky shots.