Using a Line-us plotter with Hershey Fonts

Some time back I got a Line-us plotter. It's actually rather neat.  It comes with a super little program that lets you draw designs on your computer and then print them out in an attractive, if rather wobbly, way.

It is very easy to control the plotter from Python over the network, and I wanted to use it to draw some text. I was wondering how to do this when I remembered the Hershey fonts. These go back a very, very, long time. They were pretty much the only vector character designs available for plotting text for many years. They are based on simple graphic designs and, fortunately for me, someone has written some Python to work with them. 

I've made some modifications to their program so that it now drives the Line-us plotter and I'm rather pleased with how well it works. You can find the code on GitHub