Video Games and Napoleon Bonaparte

First stop today was the Game Masters Exhibition at the ACMI. Very good except for one thing, I wasn’t allowed to take pictures.  Then it was on to the Napoleon exhibition at the National Gallery of Victoria. I wasn’t planning on getting quite so much culture today, but they had a deal on the tickets.


I think these letters are actually larger than the great man himself..IMG_2201.jpg

You know you’ve made it when they reproduce you in bronze….

The exhibition was really good. The thing I learnt most from it was how little I know about French history. But it does look very interesting.IMG_2204.jpg

Trams with profound questions.

Once we had got our fill of culture we went for a wander around town.IMG_2236_7_8.jpg

Melbourne skylineIMG_2310_1_2.jpg

There were some really nice coffee shops on this street, I’d love to have been in town long enough to try all of them. IMG_2353_4_5.jpg

Shopping centre architectureIMG_2356_7_8.jpg

An umbrella display, slightly processed..