Keeping the customer happy

I recently bought a couple of Lomo’Instant Square cameras. One for me and one as a Christmas present. When they arrived I noticed a fault with each. The lens cover was stuck open. After a brief browse I discovered that this is not an uncommon fault. I contacted the supplier and asked what they could do about it. I wasn’t expecting to get to talk to a person, but I ended up having a conversation with Jason from their support team. He was very helpful and in the end we decided that as compensation Lomo would send me a couple of light painters. These are great fun if your camera can hold the shutter open for a good length of time. I then ordered a couple of cheap lens caps for the cameras and all was well.

I’ve always liked the free and easy tone of the Lomography site. It is nice to discover that they do seem to care about their customers and try to make them happy. It’s a pity that the camera arrived with this fault, but it doesn’t affect the quality of the pictures and I’m a happy customer, which is the important thing.