

Cantaloop is about a man with a mission and a nice line in snappy dialog. Returning to his home town after a spell in prison for a crime he probably didn’t commit he’s recruiting a crew to take down the villain of the piece. Your job is to help in by guiding him through a series of scenes that play like a point and click adventure game from the eighties. The game is packaged as a spiral bound book. You flick between pages using your magic viewer (actually a red filter) to find out what your actions end up doing.

The scenes are really well drawn and after a while the interaction becomes second nature. Along the way you get to have conversations with the locals which are set out as scripted scenes, allowing those playing to hone their amateur dramatic skills. We’re a way into the first book in the series and having great fun. Well worth a look if you want to spend a few hours with friends or family solving nicely made puzzles and enjoying some truly awesome puns and one-liners.