DirtyWave M8 Keyboard

The DirtyWave M8 is an awesome device. It’s a tiny handheld soundtracker. I’ve not got one, but I think I’ve made the next best thing for now. It’s a keyboard that matches the keys on the top of the DIrtyWave. It also contains space for a Teensy 4.1 to power everything. This runs a headless version of the DirtyWave software that talks over USB to a host running the display.

The box contains a PICO that provides a keyboard which matches the one on the DirtyWave.

The construction isn’t the best, I’m not sure you are really supposed to solder connections onto the back of key switches, but it does work. The PICO pretends to be a USB keyboard supporting just the keys that the DirtyWave needs. If you want to make one you can find all the details here.

Dirtywave M8

I’ve got a new sound device to fixate over. It’s the Dirtywave M8. It’s a bit like the old school trackers that we used to run on the Amiga all those years ago. It’s beautifully made, sounds awesome and you can’t buy it anywhere.

But, you can run the firmware on a Teensy 4.1 and connect this to your computer to get the user interface and sound output going. I’ve ordered a Teensy 4.1 (which are also pretty hard to track down). Quite excited.