Snow Bored


I’m getting bored with the snow. I’m also getting bored with every news report leading with the story of how bad the snow is. I don’t actually need to be told this. I can find out how cold and slippery it is just by going outside. 

I’ve been trying to find activities that warm me up. Here they are, with notes about there usefulness:

Marking Software Engineering coursework

Absolutely useless. There were not even any really bad designs that would make me boil with indignation.

Driving Home

While the car itself got toasty warm after a mile or so I spent the entire drive in a cold sweat wondering if I was the only person on the road aware we were driving on ice. By the way everyone drove so close to me I reckon I probably was.

Playing Uncharted

Useless.  Unless you count the effort involved in restraining myself from throwing the gamepad at the wall after being killed by one of those really nasty goblin type things that keep coming after me with crossbows.

Watching “The Red Dahlia: Above Suspicion” on ITV

Pretty useless. Certain amount of warming anger about the way that the master criminal was tracked down by the expert police team simply by having someone ring up and say “It was him!”. Otherwise no good for keeping warm.

Playing Wii Sports Table Tennis

Actually worked quite well. Even though I lost.