Camtasia is Wonderful

Full disclosure: Camtasia were kind enough to give a free licence for this as part of the TechSmith Influencer Program. Thanks very much.

I’ve been using Camtasia for years. And now I’m using it again. My new book (I love saying that) is going to have lots of video extras so that I can talk the readers through some of the subjects. So, of course, I’m using Camtasia to make them.

Camtasia is one of those products that just seems to be on your side. At no point do you feel that you are having to bend what you do to fit the tool. The video capture element just works. I’m capturing the desktop of a VPC so that I can record everything and can set the capture area to exactly fit the window on my screen. I can record with a narration as I go, or add the narration later. Or do both and argue with myself. The process of bringing items together to make a seamless whole is very easy. And the publishing is as easy as it can be.

It even managed to get my machine up to 100% loaded by using all the cores when rendering the video. I’ve not seen many programs that manage to do this.

Its really easy to add titles and animation effects (although I’m trying very hard not to go nuts with them). If you’re stuck at home wondering how you can produce videos with a professional finish then this is a really good way to do it.